Deep Dive Training for Founders

Our premium training classes include highly visual, structured curriculum with color-by-numbers tools to help you take real action. 

Featured Training & Coaching Bundles (Best Value!)


Our Training Aligns with Your Journey


  • 4 hours of Startup Training
  • Observer at Group Coaching sessions*
  • Startup Roadmap & Blueprint
  • Basic Tools

For details, click here.

Register Now


  • 8 hours of training on early-stage topics
  • Access to special events (~2x per month)
  • Participant at 1 Group Coaching session per yr*
  • Startup Roadmap & Blueprint
  • Starter Tools

For details, click here.

Subscribe Now


$877, 1-time payment
  • 16 hours of training on core topics
  • 1-time payment to access to all current & future Pro classes (& special events)
  • Participant at 1 Group Coaching session per qtr*
  • Starter & Intermediate Tools
  • Partner discounts
  • Optional: 2 Individual Coaching sessions**

For details, click here.

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$1477, 1-time payment
  • 25 hours of training on core + advanced topics
  • 1-time payment to access to all current & future classes (& special events)
  • Participant at 2 Group Coaching sessions per qtr*
  • Pro & Premium Tools
  • Partner discounts
  • Optional: 6 Individual Coaching sessions**

For details, click here.

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* Group Coaching sessions have nominal registration fees. Participants pay these fees to minimize no-shows.

** Discounted Individual Coaching sessions must be used within 6 months of purchase. Unused sessions expire.

Core Courses (a la carte)

How to Build a Funding Strategy


Smart founders build a bottoms-up funding strategy that levels the playing field against seasoned investors. Learn how a funding strategy reduces uncertainty and risk, accelerates fundraising, and dramatically increases founder payouts by 3x or more.

For details, click here.

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Startup Pitch Decks: Storytelling


Learn the art of telling great stories with your pitch deck in order to captivate your audience, validate the startup, and motivate investors to invest.

For details, click here

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How to Sell & Fundraise Effectively


Learn proven, structured sales processes to effectively drive investor fundraising and customer revenue. Includes ready-to-use tools to quickly, easily, and affordably track and manage fundraising and sales.

For details, click here

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How to Validate Startup Ideas


Inexperienced founders spend countless hours and dollars blindly experimenting with their product features, pricing, and marketing strategy. In this course, you’ll learn how skilled founders conduct interviews, develop surveys, and gather data that eliminates guesswork and empowers strong business decisions.

For details, click here

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How to Model Startup Financials


Most startup financial models are inaccurate, unachievable, and lack actionable detail. Learn how to create a defensible model that instills confidence, improves execution, and leads to fundability.

For details, click here.

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How to Get to MVP


Startup pundits tell entrepreneurs to focus on building their minimum viable product. This guidance correctly tells founders what to do, but lacks details about how to do it. Learn how the right framework guides your product development from idea to working MVP and beyond.

For details, click here

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Expanded Courses

How to Crack the Code on Startup Talent

Premium Tier only

Startups run on game changing talent, but few devote the time and resources into developing an infrastructure that can consistently attract top talent. Learn a proven framework for recruiting and retaining top talent to grow your startup.

For details, click here.

Only w/Premium Tier

Fundraising from Founders, Friends and Family

Pro Tier and above only

Very early stage startups face specific fundraising challenges. Pro investors rarely do pre-seed deals. Mishandling amateur investors often results in future funding, tax, and relationship problems. Learn how to raise early stage funds the right way.

Only w/Pro Tier

Dynamic Startup Stock - Slicing Pie & Fair Equity Splits

Pro Tier and above only

Over 70% of startups split equity in the first month. But static equity splits often results in problems for founders as 50% of founders end up leaving. Learn Mike Moyer's dynamic equity split, Slicing Pie, and how to apply it to your startup.

Only w/Pro Tier

Startup Fundraising with Grants: When, Why & How

Pro Tier and above only

Many founders look for non-dilutive funding sources. But grants are not free money. Not every startup should pursue a grant. Founders should know the grant landscape and learn grant best practices before pursuing a grant.

Only w/Pro Tier

Top 5 Startup Founder Tax Mistakes

Pro Tier and above only

Founders work hard to build successful startups. Unfortunately, many are surprised when their success leads to exorbitant tax burdens. But with proper planning, founders can minimize tax liabilities and maximize their payout.

Only w/Pro Tier

Startup Roadmap & Blueprint - Founders & Formation

Starter Tier and above only

Setting the right founder base & proper company formation are critical to a startup's future. Many founders miss key steps, leading to future pain. Learn to build the right infrastructure and plans with your equity, legal, financial, and talent operations.

Only w/Starter Tier

Startup Roadmap & Blueprint - Idea Validation

Starter Tier and above only

Learning to validate your ideas is a crucial, but often missed step in the startup process. Validating your idea is knowing not only does your idea work, but that people want it.

This class is coming soon.

Only w/Starter Tier

The Problem that Kills 42% of all Startups

Starter Tier and above only

Too many founders waste resources building the wrong MVP feature set for the wrong target customer. Instead, learn an inexpensive technique to systematically validate what MVP to build and what which segment to target.

Only w/Starter Tier

Top 10 Startup Launch Mistakes

Starter Tier and above only

When launching your startup it is easy to get lost in all the things to get done. But there are ten common mistakes that most founders make, sometimes without realizing it! Learn what they are and more importantly, how to avoid them in this class.

This class is coming soon.

Only w/Starter Tier

Startup Advisor Best Practices

Starter Tier and above only

With startup advisors and CEO coaches over-saturating the market, it can be hard knowing how to work with your startup advisor. It's important to know how to distinguish between a mediocre advisor and a great advisor, how to engage them and how to get the most value out of working with them.

This class is coming soon.

Only w/Starter Tier

7 Keys to Build a Fundable Startup

Included in Basic Tier (Free)

Over 90% of startups fail. We've gathered lessons learned and best practices from two startups that failed and three that exited into a single class. Learn how a great foundation, funding strategy, validation, execution, talent, metrics and speed help create successful, fundable startups.

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Founder's Guide to SAFE Startup Fundraising

Included in Basic Tier (Free)

Silicon Valley founders have embraced startup fundraising with a Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE). However, many founders gloss over critical SAFE details resulting in unexpectedly high dilution, loss of control, and reduced employee payouts.

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The Startup Roadmap & Blueprint

Included in Basic Tier (Free)

Founders often subsist on a diet of startup tips, soundbites, and folklore. But without structure, organization & coordination, this noise salad fails to deliver real results. Founders need a clear roadmap to plan the journey, along with actionable blueprints to go from idea to exit.

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Pitches to & Term Sheets from Angels

Included in Basic Tier (Free)

Founders with strong sales skills deliver better investor pitches. Knowing the investment path ahead accelerates fundraising. Learn how to sell to angels, common investment vehicles, typical angel rights and how Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) work.

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Great Techie vs. Great CTO

Included in Basic Tier (Free)

Startups hunger for great technical talent. But what differentiates a great developer from a great CTO? Not all developers have the business or soft skills needed to lead technology in a startup. Learn how to hire or become a great CTO in this interactive class.

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Group Coaching

$20 (+reg fees)

The same registration fee applies to both Presenters and Observers at our one-hour group coaching sessions. However, only customers of our training are eligible to Present at a group coaching session.

Click here for more details.


Half Hour 1-on-1 Coaching


One 30-minute 1-on-1 coaching session / follow-up action items.

Get help on any startup topic,Ā including formation, cap tables, product/market fit, funding strategy, fundraising, investor pitches, SAFEs, etc.

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2 Hours 1-on-1 Coaching


Two one-hour 1-on-1 coaching sessions / follow-up actions (offered at a 7% discount).

Customers who purchase this coaching package and the Pro Tier training receive a free half hour of coaching.

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8Ā Hours 1-on-1 Coaching


EightĀ one-hour 1-on-1 coaching sessions / follow-up actions (offered at a 19% discount).

Customers who purchase this coaching package get a 20% discount on a purchase of our Premium training.

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