How to Model Startup Financials

Most startup financial models are inaccurate, unachievable, and lack actionable detail. Learn how to create a defensible model that instills confidence, improves execution, and leads to fundability.

Approx. 2.5 hours

How to Model Startup Financials:

Investors regularly see founders making wild, unsubstantiated claims with rocket ship, hockey stick growth. Founders fail to realize that pipe dream numbers create doubt that hurts their story and credibility. Successful investor pitches include bottoms-up numbers that are detailed, realistic, and provable. Learn how to build a defensible financial model that satisfies skeptics, instills confidence, and impresses investors.

The spreadsheet included with this training class serves as a major launch pad for founders to build a comprehensive, defensible financial model. We’ve invested over 500 hours to create a tool that saves founders 60, 80 or even 100+ hours when building out detailed scenarios and testing assumptions to visualize their financial path forward.

The initial modules for this class are available now with more modules to be released in the next few weeks.


Get It In A Package

Building a successful startup requires many skills. Our training packages bundle multiple topics into a single purchase to provide introductory, core or advanced training.


Standalone Purchase

Founders who don't need breadth and only want a deep dive into Funding Strategies can buy this course à la carte and receive full access to all topics below.


Course Topics Covered in Each Package


Length TBD (over 2 hours so far)
Everything in Starter, plus:

Financial Models: What

  • Topics are work in progress (check back in several weeks for updates)

How to Use a Financial Model

  • Topics are work in progress (check back in several weeks for updates)


  • Advanced financial model, with detailed tutorial on usage


Length TBD (work in progress)
Everything in Pro, plus:

How to Build a Financial Model

  • Topics are work in progress (check back in several weeks for updates)

Startup Resources for Every Budget

Want to learn more about our Training Packages? 

Click here for all the details.



Lifetime Access

Affordable content to
Launch your Startup
  • 16 hours of Startup Training
  • Focused on core fundamentals:
    Funding Strategy Intro; Getting to MVP Intro; Idea Validation Intro; Fundraising from Founders, Friends & Family; Startup Equity; Startup Tax Mistakes; Pitch Deck Storytelling
  • Exclusive bonus content & access to all future classes
  • 1 Group Coaching session per quarter*
  • Starter & Intermediate Tools
  • Optional: 2 Individual Coaching Sessions*



Lifetime Access

High-value content
for Intelligent Fundraising
  • 40 hours of Startup Training
  • Focused on advanced topics:
    Adv. Funding Strategy; Adv. MVP; Adv. Idea Validation; How to Sell & Fundraise; How to Model Startup Financials; Crowdfunding; Talent Strategy; Pitch Deck De-Risking
  • Exclusive bonus content & access to all future classes
  • 2 Group Coaching sessions per quarter*
  • All Pro & Advanced Tools
  • Optional: 6 Individual Coaching Sessions*

Just want this standalone financial modeling course? 

Get access to the full course and tools for just $497.