Need help raising startup funds?

We help founders become fundable, then raise funds intelligently.

Talk to Us

Raising startup funds is HARD.

Don’t repeat the mistakes of this founder who, after 5 years of effort, still could not raise funds.

We’ve helped founders close $260M in startup funding & exits.

We help founders build pitch decks that:

woman captivated reading

Here’s our five-step 
fundraising process:

  • Prepare for fundraising and due diligence

  • Plan your funding strategy

  • Execute your strategy & build a fundable company 

  • Sell your traction with a killer pitch deck

  • Close prospective investors with reasonable terms

An Effective Pitch Deck Must Be …


The most neglected goal

Many pitches are confusing
  • We specialize in improving clarity
  • We ask hard, analytical questions to identify core values
  • Many of our coaching & validation projects require us to rewrite maessaging


The most difficult goal

Most pitches are too wordy
  • We regularly transform busy slides into glanceable slides
  • We use visual aids to reduce words
  • We practice “less is more” to improve clarity and reduce clutter


The most abused goal

Most pitches have too many points
  • We gather features & determine advantages in order to highlight benefits
  • We identify key messages to separate signal from the noise
  • We create high-density content

That's where we come in.

Our pitch resources and skills include:

Pitch Scorecard

We designed a custom tool to provide better pitch feedback
  • 16 different analytical criteria to evaluate pitch effectiveness
  • Weighted criteria based on funding stage
  • Recommended time allocations based on overall time available to deliver pitch

Pitch Training

We created 3 deep-dive pitch classes to upskill founders
  • Pitch deck storytelling
  • Pitch deck slides & de-risking
  • How to sell & fundraise effectively

Pitch Writing

We understand the value of clear & compelling storytelling
  • Sam is a published author
  • Many have praised Sam’s “expert witness” skill of simplifying the complex
  • Most pitch coaches do not emphasize the importance of clear, concise writing

Our pitch deck solutions

Done For You

A full-service solution
  • A comprehensive rebuild of a fresh pitch
  • High-value, broader scope
  • Best when large gaps exist between present state and ideal pitch
  • Strong emphasis on fundability
  • Investor intros for very fundable startups*

Done With You

We help you revise your deck
  • Slide-by-slide tactical revisions
  • Affordable and narrowly focused
  • Best for decks that already have a strong story and semi-polished content
  • Strong emphasis on tangible feedback
  • Founder implements most revisions

Do It Yourself

Detailed, actionable training
  • Convenient self-paced consumption of pitch deck & fundraising best practices
  • Most affordable but still detailed
  • Best for very constrained budgets
  • Emphasis on what to do & how to do it
  • Optional Coaching available
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Our pitch experience


1x CEO, 1x CTO,
3x Technical VP


We are limited partner in four funds & an angel investor


We are teachers &
courseware builders

Pitch Judge

We’ve judged dozens of
pitch events

Our pitch experience


1x CEO, 1x CTO,
3x Technical VP


We are both an angel investor & limited partner in several funds


We are teachers &
courseware builders

Pitch Judge

We’ve judged dozens of
pitch events

We co-built and teach the pitch deck class at a major startup accelerator.

You can get the same concepts from us without applying to an accelerator or giving up any equity.

Our Full Service Pitch Deck Packages

Fundraising can be the most time-consuming and unpredictable part of startup life. What’s worse is the time required is usually pulled from the CEO’s busy calendar.

Our full-service pitch packages can dramatically improve your odds of raising funds.

Whether you use our Bronze package to raise $250K (~41x ROI) or our Gold package to raise $2M+ (~142x ROI), we can give you back precious time and help you fundraise more confidently.

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Our Done With You Pitch Coaching Packages

An efficient yet affordable way to build a better deck.

Whether you use our Pitch Feedback Package to raise $50K (~50x ROI) or our Pitch Best Practices Package to raise $250K (~83x ROI), we can help you avoid common mistakes while telling a better story.
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Self-Paced Pitch Training Classes

Already built a fundable company? Our bundle of self-paced classes on fundraising and investor pitches provides you with important tools and best practices to build and deliver better stories to investors.

Learn proven, structured sales processes to effectively drive investor fundraising and customer revenue. Includes ready-to-use tools to quickly, easily, and affordably track and manage fundraising and sales.


Investors forget most startup pitches. Make yours memorable. Master the art of telling great stories with your pitch deck to captivate your audience, validate the startup, & motivate investors to invest.


Most founders blindly fill in a pitch deck template -- and fail. Learn how to tailor our proven template & build glanceable slides that show how you've de-risked your startup.


Learn how to reach out and build your own network of  investors. Understand how they think so you can get time on their calendar, sell to their needs, & maximize your impact.


If purchased alone, these four classes would cost $536, but you can save 45% and get all four today for just $297.

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We Deliver Better Pitches

We've been startup founders. We've pitched & raised funds. We've also invested in startups and know what investors want. Our proactive guided journeys to fundability beats the random advice from most coaches. Deck experts may give you pretty slides, but is your company actually fundable?

Why Swing a Dull Axe? Sharpen the Blade!

Founders often spend more than 500 hours trying to raise investor funds. Many founders reach out to or pitch more than 100 investors and still can't raise funds.

Ever try to chop wood with a dull axe? It's a lot more work, requires more strength, and takes a really long time.

Stop going in circles! Take the time to sharpen the axe blade. It's more effective.

Not convinced we can help? Watch this 12-minute video of a real-life founder pitch a panel of investors. Stay to the end and see how many investors invite the founder to the next step. We can help you the same way we helped this founder!

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This is Why Most Founders Fail with a Vanilla Pitch Template

I've met dozens of founders who find a pitch deck template, fill in the blanks, and start calling on investors. This usually doesn't work!

You may protest: "But Uber raised $37M using this template!" Yes, but they are a different company with different traction, challenges & opportunities.

Chemotherapy might send someone's cancer into remission, but that doesn't mean you should inject cell-killing chemicals to heal your broken bone. Your situation is different. You deserve a proper diagnosis instead of a one-size-fits-all approach.

Don't just clone someone else's deck.

We can help you customize our proven processes and template to maximize your chance of raising investor funds!

Still have questions?

Book a meeting with our team to understand how our fundraising solutions can help you raise funds.

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Hard Work Ahead ⚠️


DISCLAIMER: Startups are hard. They require a ton of skill, expertise, and commitment. We don’t believe in quick hacks or simple tips and tricks that purport to bring success. There is no “get rich quick” method to building a company. Even with great training and tools, most startups still run a very high risk of failure. Many startup variables such as the team, timing, idea, business model, funding, and your ability to work hard and persevere can have a dramatic impact on your success.

Fundable Startups is designed to provide support and guidance to help entrepreneurs move forward faster and better. But we cannot and do not guarantee any specific outcome from our ideas, information, training, or tools. We worked very hard to execute well and achieve our results in our previous startups and cannot guarantee similar results, as there are many factors beyond our control. Examples and scenarios are illustrative only, or represent past results that have no bearing or promise on future performance.

Fundable Startups, Execution Matters, LLC, and our coaches or instructors provide any and all resources and tools as-is with all faults and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. This disclaimer is necessary because the content and tools are offered for a comparatively low price. If the purchaser desires any type of warranty, then a commercially reasonable price would be at least one to two orders of magnitude higher.

None of our resources, content or tools are meant to serve as financial, legal, tax, investment, or management advice for your specific situation. We provide general information only. You are strongly advised to consult your own qualified counsel regarding any data, information, or decisions related to your particular situation. By using these resources and tools, you accept all risks and liabilities related to their use.

In summary, startups are very demanding and risky ventures. Most will fail. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to, the environment, your background, experience and work ethic. If these terms are not acceptable, please do not use or purchase our services or products.

If any conflicts exist between the summary disclaimer here and the definitive terms of use, the terms will control.